2009 is the year to keep those resolutions! In order to succeed, we've chosen our resolutions wisely (by looking back to look forward) and we've set monthly goals that are measurable, attainable, purposeful, and specific. We've begun taking actions that will help us form good habits.
Now it's time for another important step, one that will help us turn our actions into habits: set daily goals. By this, I don't necessarily mean a to-do list for each day. What I mean is to take the resolutions you've already expressed in the form of monthly goals, and break them down into what you specifically need to do each day in order to reach your short-term goal --- and your long term goal of succeeding at whatever you have resolved to accomplish this year.
For some resolutions and/or monthly goals, your daily goal may be the same each day, such as "Exercise for at least 20 minutes" or "Stay in touch with friends by calling or emailing at least one each day" or "Replace potato chips with a healthier snack".
At other points, your daily goals may be a series of action steps. One day, you might call us (805-931-0683) to sign up for your beginner course (it's a gift you can give yourself all year long!). The next day, you might go for a brisk walk. The day after that, your goal might be to show up for your first intro class on time, ready to work out. Etc., etc....
Like your monthly goals, your daily goals should be measurable, attainable, purposeful, and specific. At the end of the day, you should have no doubt whether or not you met that particular goal.
Let your daily goals, your action steps, help you form the good habits you need to succeed at your goals and resolutions.
At Shinjin Karate, we want to help you keep your New Year's Resolutions! Read all of our articles here.
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