Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Helping those in need

As many of you, my heart has been heavy as I have watched and read the news reports about the widespread and catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. This year, we have pledged, as a school, to commit ourselves to doing acts of kindness. Never have I seen so many people in such desperate need of generosity and kindness.

This hits especially home to those of us who wear the Keichu-Do patch, which also bears the words, "Cajun Karate". Louisiana is the birthplace of our Soke and also the birthplace of our martial art. Surely we cannot ignore those many thousands in Louisiana who are in such dire need.

Let's let our friends in Louisiana, and those many more strangers we've never met, know that those who practice their state's martial art have not forgotten them. Please come to class prepared to be generous. Every little bit helps.

This post was edited February 2006 to remove non-verifiable information.

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