Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Coming soon to Shinjin Karate: Combat Fitness!

Combat Fitness, which will meet Monday & Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm, is the latest addition to our small but growing number of fitness classes. This is not your run of the mill, boring, same old same old fitness workout. This class, designed for ages 16 and up, and is best suited for you if:
  • You are looking for a challenging, hardcore workout
  • You are looking for a way to get fit quickly
  • You've never trained in any sort of fighting style, but you have always been interested
  • You are training in the martial arts, but want to add an additional, more rigorous workout
  • You once took a cardio kickboxing class and thought it was kinda wimpy
  • You think our Fight Class is just for kids
  • You prefer taking fitness classes from a young, tough, extremely fit instructor
For more details, and to enroll in this exciting new class, call 805-931-0683

In addition to our new Combat Fitness class, we also offer the following:
If you are a woman or teenage girl (age 14+) and you want to be more fit - Do we have a class for you! We are offering six week women's fitness classes, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 am. It's a great way to lose fat, gain muscle, become more flexible, and all that good stuff --- and it's a terrific stress-busting workout that will leave you energized for the rest of the day. Our next session starts on September 9 and runs through October 16. No uniforms required; just wear workout clothes. Our fitness classes are open to students and non-students alike. The cost is only $100 for the entire six weeks and includes, as a bonus, our Friday Fight Classes at no extra charge! (To enroll, call 805-931-0683)

If you are a current Shinjin Karate student looking to ramp up your workout - You can enroll in either our Combat Fitness or Women's Fitness classes at a reduced rate OR you can attend our Fight Class OR you can become involved in as many of our fitness classes as possible!

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