Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Are you getting stronger?

At the end of class, I've been doing a series of "Sensei talks" about self-defense. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I talked about the importance of training hard in order to be prepared physically, emotionally, and spiritually to defend oneself.

To follow up, I'd like to offer two suggestions:

Suggestion 1. The Push-Up Challenge.

As many of you know, my biceps tendinitis and related shoulder issues have prevented me from being serious about doing push-ups for quite some time, but I've decided to see how well I can handle the challenge. As of today, I'm on Week 3. If you are interested, click on the above graphic to go the website for more info.

Suggestion 2. Fight Class.

I know, I know --- you're all probably tired of hearing about how important Fight Class is! But that's only because it's the truth. Fight Class is that important! You'll get a terrific workout and you'll learn some things you can include in your home training sessions. You'll learn far more grappling and sparring techniques than we can teach in our regular classes. You'll gain strength, endurance, and confidence. You'll be better able to defend yourself.

But, wait a moment, someone may ask, what does that have to do with self-defense? Isn't Keichu Ryu designed for smaller people to be able to defend themselves against larger and stronger attackers?

Good questions. And you're right; Keichu Ryu was designed just that way. But it was also designed to be more than just an assortment of self-defense techniques.

If you had three months to prepare yourself for being attacked, how would you prepare? Would you sit on the couch eating junk food and watching TV, hoping that you'd be able to pull off the front choke defense you rarely practice? Would you attend the fewest classes you could, and expend the least amount of effort in those classes?

Or would you train hard and train smart, making sure you were in peak physical condition? Would you dedicate yourself to your training, and to living out our core values?

We have no idea when we may face that "moment of truth". Real martial artists train for years and years for something that they hope will never happen.

Training hard and training smart will make you stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually. It will prepare you for the hard times in life.

Are you getting stronger? Are you as strong as you could be?

If you have to fight, are you ready?

Let me know how you're doing with the push-up challenge. And I'll see you at Fight Class!

Edited to add:

Sometimes students wonder if they are "ready" for Fight Class, or if it would be appropriate for them. As long as you are in our Keichu Ryu karate program, or our women's fitness program, you would benefit greatly from attending Fight Class. Our women's fitness class members, and our students who are not yet sparring and grappling, will not be required to do any drills involving contact. However, if you are already grappling and/or sparring, you will also be learning and practicing techniques that will help you improve.

What about fitness level? No matter how fit, or un-fit, you may be, Fight Class will provide an excellent workout. All of the exercises can be modified to meet the needs of each student.

Fight Class is included free of charge in your BasicPlus membership. If you have not yet upgraded to BasicPlus, now would be an excellent time.

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