Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Belt test anxiety

Parents sometimes ask how they can help their child(ren) overcome anxiety and fits of nerves prior to and during the belt test.

At Shinjin Karate, our rank promotions are designed to reward respect, ultimate focus, and hard work. Our belt tests are not easy. However, we want our students to be successful and we have carefully designed our tests --- and the preparation process --- to help our students achieve their best. We believe that the best way to overcome test anxiety is by giving our students the confidence that they have done everything possible to be fully prepared.

Here are some suggestions for how parents can help their children:

1. At least a month prior to the test --- for white and yellow belts --- or three months prior to the test --- for orange belts and above --- make sure that your child knows how to prepare for the upcoming test. Our blog contains a number of articles on belt testing, and our website has an important article that everyone should read.

2. Make sure your child attends as many Test Review classes prior to the test as possible. These are scheduled the Monday before each belt test. Don't just drop him off --- by observing this class, you will have a good idea of what will be covered during the test, and you will be able to guide your child in his practice at home. Another benefit of the Test Review class is that it is somewhat of an informal pre-test, getting the child ready for the testing experience. This is also a time for us to coach him as to final preparations that will help him to be even more successful.

3. Encourage your child to practice those techniques at home that he/she can safely practice without a partner.

4. If you have any questions, or your child doesn't fully understand some aspect of test preparation, don't hesitate to ask!

5. Make sure that your child fills out the Belt Test Application as soon as possible, so that there is enough time for her to do all the necessary preparations. If your child is testing for orange belt or above, try to schedule the talk with Sensei, about the privileges and responsibilities of rank promotion, well in advance of the final Test Review class. You may wish to be part of that brief, but important discussion. This is also a great time to bring up any potential concerns about the upcoming test.

6. Help your child through the preparation process and praise him/her for every step he/she takes, especially if your child is doing more than the minimum suggested preparations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had anxiety before, but I got a lot better now, thanks to I HIGHLY recommend ordering from them, they have a section on their website for anxiety pills and the best part there is no prescription required!!! uc