Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

We're moving --- NEXT DOOR!!

We are so excited to announce that we signed a lease yesterday on the space next door to us. This means that our dojo will be doubling in size, with a larger waiting room and lots more training space. As if that isn't wonderful enough, we will now have air conditioning!

Yes, it's true. All of us at Shinjin Karate may just get very spoiled.

I know it seems hard to believe that we will be moving for a third time this year, but this opportunity was too good to pass up. We think all of you will be very happy with our new dojo!

Our family spent some time today getting the space ready to turn into our dojo home:

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