Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

NEW! Fight Class!

UPDATE: Fight Class is now included FREE in our BasicPlus membership! It also offers an even better workout. If you have not attended Fight Class recently, be sure to attend the next one!

We are excited to announce a new bonus class that we will be offering once or twice a month. Here is the info:
  • $10 for Intro, Basic, and BasicPlus; FREE for BlackBelt Track.
  • Class lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.
  • This class provides an excellent workout while improving sparring and grappling skills. Open to all ranks, including white belts. No previous sparring or grappling experience required!
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Students planning to test for orange belt or above should attend as many Fight Classes prior to testing as possible, in order to be ready and in shape for the sparring/grappling portion of their test.
  • Class may cover sparring, grappling, or both. Drills, bag work, technique training, partner work, and free sparring, grappling, and "scrappling" will be part of the ongoing curriculum.
  • Bring a t-shirt to wear for grappling.
  • Students without gear may participate in all sparring drills that do not involve contact.
  • Class meets once or twice monthly on scheduled Mondays and/or Fridays.
If you can only make it to a few select bonus classes per month, make sure that Fight Class is at the top of your list. It should definitely be a must for anyone who is planning on competing or testing for orange belt and above within the next four to six months. If you want to be a lean, mean, fighting machine --- or you want to be fit enough for your upcoming belt test --- or you want to win at tournaments --- this is one bonus class you will not want to miss!

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