Due to popular demand, we are once again offering our FREE summer martial arts program.
What: FREE martial arts classes during July and August!
Who: This offer is for all new students, ages 8 through adult.
When: July and August. Students may attend up to two classes per week. (See below for class times.)
Where: Shinjin Karate in Nipomo, located at 720 S. Frontage Rd. #108.
Why: We are making this unusual offer to our local community as a way of introducing them to the benefits of our martial arts program.
Our quality program is taught from a judeo-christian perspective and teaches excellent karate skills along with respect, ultimate focus, and diligence. Our unique self-discipline homework is very popular with our students --- and even more popular with their parents, who are reaping the benefits of children who are showing more initiative and responsibility at home.
Even more special offer: Sign up by June 15 and also receive, in addition to two free months of excellent martial arts instruction, a FREE uniform, $40 off our Martial Arts Fitness Camp (July 16 - 20), and a $50 enrollment discount for September.
Call 931-0683 today to reserve your space in our free summer program.
Ask about which two classes per week would be the best fit for your family:
Youth only classes, for ages 8 - 14, meet Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 5:00 pm.
Women/Youth classes, for ages 8 - adult, meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00 pm.
Adult/Youth Classes, for ages 10 - adult, meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 pm.
Note: as long as age requirement for class is met, you may "mix and match" between categories. For example, an 11 year old could attend Monday at 5:00 and Thursday at 6:00.
Don't miss this great opportunity! Spaces are limited; sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis.
Oh, why can't you live in my neighborhood!
Maybe you should move to my neighborhood!
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