Shinjin Karate School of Keichu Ryu
720 S. Frontage Rd. #108, Nipomo, California
We offer martial arts and fitness classes for ages 5 - adult.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Summer events

REMINDER: There will be no classes during the first two weeks of August, because of the USKA World Championships.

We are planning, in addition to our regular classes, some special ways that you can make the most of your training during the rest of July and August.

Rewards for summer attendance:
  • If you are a new student, you can earn the coveted special striped white belt for attending all 13 regular classes in our Summer Program. (July 6 through August 13)
  • Board Breaking Extravaganza — Everyone can earn boards with your Summer Program attendance and learn how to break them on August 31! One board is earned for every three classes attended. Those with perfect attendance (all 13 classes during the Summer Program, without arriving late or leaving early) will earn 5 boards.
  • Remember: all summer attendance — whether it is regular classes, weapons classes, open gyms, Fighting Fridays, workshops, or special training sessions — counts towards Student of the Month and Student of the Year points. (Hint: in February 2007 we will be celebrating five years of classes at Five Cities Keichu-Do. The Awards Ceremony will be something you will not want to miss!)
Chanbara Workshop — Orange belts and above can enjoy the excitement of “samurai sports” during this fun, fast-paced seminar. Get ready to rumble on July 19 from 9:00 to 11:00. Location: Soke’s Dojo in Santa Maria

Fighting Friday Series — Don't miss the last two, on July 28 and August 18, from 6:00 to 7:30. We probably won't be having another Fighting Friday after this for quite some time. On August 18, we will be having the Finals and will also be handing out special prizes and awards.

Special training opportunities — are you gearing up for the belt test in September, for tournament competition, or just want to get in some extra training time? Contact Sensei about Monday, Wednesday, and Friday training times at Soke’s dojo.

Beach Bonfires — Take a break from training hard and join us for some relaxing down time. Bring family, friends, snacks, drinks, etc. We will be having on on Saturday, July 22, beginning at 4:00pm at Grover Beach. For the next one, we will join Bethel Baptist's church bonfire at Avila Beach on Friday evening, August 25.

Information about all upcoming events can be found on our website.

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